Alice B. Fogel



The roads interrupt
these secrets:


undefined: visible
as air:
audible between sounds

beside me: an infinite


The roads that interrupt the forest
bring you:
these secrets sworn to

you: in
an unmappable town:
its known borders
undefined: visible
as air on water:
audible as intervals between sounds:
a distance from one
beside me: an infinite frame
finishing time: 


The roads that interrupt the forest 
bring you to it:
these secrets sworn to 
tell the story:
you: alive in
an unmappable town 
easily found: its known borders
undefined: visible
as air on the moving surface of water:
audible as intervals between sounds:
traceable as a distance from one
to another:
the thousands of miles
here beside me: an infinite frame
finishing the moment of time:


Alice B Fogel served as the New Hampshire poet laureate from 2014 through 2019, instituting a NH Youth Poet Laureate, among other projects. Her latest book is A Doubtful House. Interval: Poems Based on Bach’s “Goldberg Variations” won the Nicholas Schaffner Award for Music in Literature & the 2016 NH Literary Award in Poetry, & her third book, Be That Empty, was a national poetry bestseller. She is also the author of Strange Terrain, on how to appreciate poetry without necessarily “getting” it. Nominated for Best of the Web & twelve times for the Pushcart, she has been awarded a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. She works one-on-one with students with learning differences at Landmark College, & hikes mountains whenever possible. 

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