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Print Anthology

Featuring all poems from issues 1-4. 
Plus new poems and interview with our Distinguished Poet, Courtney Druz.
Artwork by Anna Daedalus & Kerry Davis.

202 pages. ISBN 9780996689106. 
Release date: November 6, 2015


ISBN: 9780996689113, 47 pages

Publication Date: September 28, 2018“Sam Seskin’s To Have Been Snowed On is a personal tour-de-force, urgent, courageous and transformative, written face-to-face with the inevitability of one’s end. It is a mindful poetry enlarged by rich diction and an imagination in which nature and illness are wrapped in love.”—Marvin Bell

“Poetry is a principle of power invoked by all of us against our vanishing, wrote Allen Grossman, and one senses that power at work in Sam Seskin’s carefully woven sequence To Have Been Snowed On. Reminiscent of the 17th century metaphysical poets and the meditative tradition, it opens with an epigraph from Beethoven, Ah, it seemed to me impossible to leave the world until I had brought forth all that I felt was within me. This quote places the poems that follow in perfect context as it embraces the fragility and mutability of our human condition. As friends, other poets and strangers haunt these pages, engaging Seskin in a kind of call and response, he writes, My palms shine through small palm windows, reminding both reader and poet of the sacredness of our shared lives.”—Sandra Alcosser, author of A Fish to Feed All Hunger and Except by Nature