Poppy Dully
My artist’s books are products of discoveries, bringing together books and classic films.
My process begins with finding an interesting book with a film connection. I mark significant passages in the book and view the film to see how I can integrate words and images. It is important that my books follow the story lines. I draw the images onto plexiglass plates, one for each image, ink up the plate and wipe off the ink where I want the text to show through. I separate the original book from its cover and select pages for printing. The plexiglass plates and pages are printed together on an etching press to make the monotype prints. I usually create a variable edition of prints for two finished books. Once the monotypes are dry, I mount them on a long accordion backing paper and reassemble the paper in the original book cover. The book can be viewed either fully elongated, there may be 10-16 monotypes per book, or held in the hands and the pages turned as in a typical book.
I enjoy delving into the background of the film and book. So often the books that I select have themes that are as relevant today as when they were written. My artist’s books build connections between the artist, the writer, the director, and the viewer.
My books are in private and public collections, including: University of Washington, Stanford University, Multnomah County Central Library Special Collections, University of Southern California, University of Texas, Austin, UCLA Film Library, Savannah College of Art and Design, University of California, Berkeley, and Bainbridge Island Museum of Art.
In 2021, I will have two shows of my prints and artist’s books: Hoffman Center Art Gallery, Manzanita Oregon, June 10-27 and Guardino Gallery, Portland, Oregon, October 28 – November 21. My books are available through Passages Bookshop, Portland, Oregon, www.passagesbookshop.com. My website is www.poppydully.com.