Ronda Piszk Broatch
I’ve become accustomed to isolation,
how dark the beginning
of yet more dark. In its shadow
pain fingers me
like a lover, and often
there are stars. Sometimes in the dark
Satie’s Gnossienne No. 3, and sometimes
I overestimate what it means
to keep my heart where it can be seen.
Beneath skin, so many blue rivers.
Oh, holy holy, ah, purity purity eeh,
sweetly sweetly sings
the hermit thrush. In the morning,
I was just a minor key, grieving.
Poet and photographer, Ronda Piszk Broatch is the author of Lake of Fallen Constellations, (MoonPath Press, 2015). Ronda is the recipient of an Artist Trust GAP Grant, and her poems have been nominated for the Pushcart prize. Her journal publications include Blackbird, 2River, Sycamore Review, Missouri Review, Palette Poetry, and Public Radio KUOW’s All Things Considered, among others.