Patrick Meeds
Some people dream of being a river.
Others imagine they are a flame
or a large spinning wheel.
Things that do their best work
when no one is watching.
Things that power, that consume.
I have slept the sleep
of the sun in wintertime
and dreamed of filling the sky
with light. I have held your hand
and felt the soft tickle of fireflies
in your fingertips. I have seen
light filtered through curtains
of rain falling over open water.
I have swum in the warm glow
of the moon. My mouth is full
of teeth and tongue; of spider webs
and fairy tales. There is no point
in talking about the time we waste
sleeping without dreaming.
The time we waste awake
and unaware we are dying.
Patrick Meeds lives in Syracuse, NY and studies writing at the Syracuse YMCA’s Downtown Writer’s Center. He has been previously published in Stone Canoe literary journal, the New Ohio Review, Tupelo Quarterly, the Atticus Review, Whiskey Island, Guernica, East by Northeast, Door Is A Jar, Jokes Review, Muddy River Poetry Review, Doubly Mad, What Are Birds?, The Main Street Rag, and Toho Journal.