Will Cordeiro
One photon travels lightyears from a star
to register upon the ommatidia
of a housefly. Mortar
spackled in the crevices & gaps of nature.
Such unmapped trivia
levitates. Sparks into a vacuum, into ether.
an impulse leaps across:
each nerve entangling, each atom swerving.
Will Cordeiro has published work in AGNI, Cimarron Review, The Cincinnati Review, Copper Nickel, DIAGRAM, The Offing, The Threepenny Review, THRUSH, and elsewhere. Will won the 2019 Able Muse Book Award for Trap Street. Will is also coauthor of Experimental Writing: A Writer’s Guide and Anthology, forthcoming from Bloomsbury. Will coedits Eggtooth Editions and teaches in the Honors College at Northern Arizona University.