Donald L Pasmore
We Dream of Arachnids
If I am born a girl into bed—I want you
to interrupt the dream that crawls
over my eyes. Thank me
while I scratch my name into you
with fangs and kisses. If I am disposed of
while stuck with eight legs—you spend
a second saying words I pretend
mean you would want me. Look at the scars
that crisscross your palms
like veins. Drop your boot
onto my slight body, you know
I need it—if I am born a girl
into spider dreams—if I am
dreamed a spider-girl
by you—if I am a girl
in dreams—if I am born.
Donald L Pasmore is a sophomore English major at Salisbury University who has poems published or forthcoming in The Broadkill Review, The Shore, and The Scarab Literary Magazine. He grew up in Delaware and aspires to earn a PhD and become a college professor. His other interests include philosophy, tabletop games, and amateur woodworking.