Inkyoo Lee

Walking Back from Mont Saint-Michel


this bay of sand and grass        the sun has
uncharted        the forewalking silhouettes
of my parents        holding hands like never

before        my eyes        cliffs walling our seas
shipwrecks without trace        we have just begun
to chip off the barnacles        this late

in the evening        sand looks more like ash
like a prefiguration of

never        looking back at the abbey-island
I let the hands        of dusk
flatten all outlines into an open field

where two seagulls        tap each other’s beaks
with such intent against the entire bluefall
the next morning        only sand remains


Inkyoo Lee is from South Korea and studies philosophy in the UK. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Shore, Rust & Moth, The Literary Canteen, Phi Magazine, and The Hanok Review. Find out more at