Carolyn Adams
I think
I dreamed it.
A silver band
circling my arm.
A snake,
gleaming in a grotto.
A shining scarf,
sinuous in a tree.
Water, a celestial flow.
I saw it today
on the freeway,
flying from the window
of a van filled with children.
A silver ribbon,
currents of air.
Like a cloud,
like a long road.
Like a promise.
Carolyn Adams’ poetry and art have appeared in Steam Ticket, Cimarron Review, Evening Street Review, Dissident Voice, and Blueline Magazine, among others. She is the editor and publisher of the Oregon Poetry Calendar. Having authored four chapbooks, her full-length volume, Going Out to Gather has been published by Fernwood Press. She has been nominated multiple times for both Best of the Net and a Pushcart prize.