Joel Chace


Field-corn tall as three trombones.  Coppery
film on her tongue.  They ascend that
path.  Stood end to end.  Screaming, face down.  Night
on each side.  He walks into it.  Like a
wide fabric tearing.  Into holy
water.  Out beyond them, tiny
cottage lights in a galaxy so
distant.  As she rushes toward death.  And plays
his euphonium.  Where people
no longer beat each other. 


Joel Chace has published work in magazines such as Golden Handcuffs Review, New American Writing, Lana Turner, The Brooklyn Rail, and Hurricane Review. His full-length collections include matter no matter, from Paper Kite Press,Humors, from Paloma Press, Threnodies, from Moria Books, fata morgana, from Unlikely Books, and Maths, from Chax Press. Underrated Provinces is just out from Mad Hat Press.